YouTube FAQ and Comments

My channel description is getting longer, so I’ll move a lot of stuff over here to clean it up.


Why are comments disabled on so many videos?

I am not interested in comments for those and do not wish to leave them to spammers or trolls either, so I just disable them. And other times, people are just annoying/ignorant enough, I do not want to read them after awhile.


Why do you hate Tekken 6 so much?

I had been asked this so many times and even encouraged to make a video about it. Eventually I did just that, so you can watch it here:


You forgot/did not upload video X.

I consider it rude to address me like this so delete any such comments. I have never made any pretense of posting ALL videos of Tekken cut scenes. Some people just make that assumption on their own. If you want to know why a specific video is not on the channel, the answer is generally I haven’t gotten around to it yet and/or (much more likely) I just haven’t felt like it. In some cases, I do not have access to certain videos as well though those aren’t the ones people assume I “forgot.”


I know you’ll probably delete this comment but-

If whatever you’re saying requires that disclaimer, chances are, you are correct and are better off not wasting your time.


Rant/complaint/insult about Jin.

There’s a number of other places where you can do that but not on my channel.


Rant/complaint/insult about you Cat/SonKitty.

You don’t have to like me, but I will not tolerate the above on my own channel. Use the block option if I bother you that much. I won’t even read all of what you say if the mood strikes me.


You’re a GIRL and you like Tekken?!

Yes and ehhhh…for simplicity’s sake, let’s say yes. Female Tekken fans are not as rare as some of you believe. It’s not that much of a surprise.


Do you still consider yourself a Tekken fan? Or have you given up on the series?

I support what I like in Tekken and don’t support what I don’t like.


You care about story over gameplay in a fighting game?

If you’re on my channel, you may have noticed I like cut scenes from video games since there’s a lot of them here. If you look closely, you’ll also notice there’s a ton more videos of cut scenes than there are of gameplay. So, yes.


The following were last updated as of 04/10/2012:

What do you think Street Fighter x Tekken?

It’s awesome that it has Jin and Jin as a sub-boss to boot. He looks great in his cut scenes. The select and VS screens look terrible. Heihachi and Kuma look terrible. I like the prologue artwork and props to Capcom for making CG endings, but the TK character themselves did not translate well into the SF look in-game. I’m genuinely apalled at the game’s lack of a gallery feature and lack of all those cinematic trailers being accessible anywhere besides bits of clips in the opening. While I’m more than delighted to have a copy without the worst character ever made, I am the exception, not the rule. I disagree with Capcom’s method of planning and locking away 12 characters onto the disc for so-called DLC they can charge for at a later time. I did my small part by waiting for a $20 drop in price before buying the game.


What do you think of future Tekken game X (Tag2, TxSF, etc.)?

My interest in Tekken extends to new footage/images of Jin Kazama/Devil Jin. I don’t care much about the rest. Not sure which ones I’ll play and not overly concerned about any until they are released. After the crash and burn of T6, I avoid hype and hype trains and try not to get excited over new games so none of them leave me feeling as rotten as T6 did.


Will Tag2 have feature X?

I may hear pieces of news from friends/acquaintances/husband or catch a topic title at GAF, but I do not actively seek Tag2 news, so I don’t know. Many such questions will not be answered until the game is closer to release.